Articles prepared in accordance with the following publishing principles and spelling rules, studies can be sent via dergipark (https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/icd). Articles sent back to their authors for improvement and / or correction in line with pre-review and referee evaluation, The necessary corrections are made and returned to the journal within a month at the latest. In the preliminary examination, articles that are found to be not complied with the spelling rules are returned to the author for correction and are not included in the publication program.

Providing the permissions of the authors (the main author or the rightful publishing house) is obligatory for the translated texts and articles as well.

Publishing Principles

1) The Journal of Communicatıon Studies is a national, peer-reviewed journal which is printed three times a year by İstanbul Aydın University, Communication Faculty, for the purpose of contributing in the accumulation of knowledge in the field of communications sciences through publishing scientific articles.

2) It is of first priority for the manuscripts to be an original ‘research article’ contributing to its field or a ‘collection article’ evaluating previous works in its field and expressing new and noteworthy views in this respect. In addition, evaluation articles from scientific books that are published in the related fields and book reviews are also within the scope of the journal’s publication.

3) On the other hand, the journal has adopted the principle of publishing Turkish translations of papers that are presented in different languages in international scientific gatherings in order to provide more accessibility to local researchers.

4) The main aim of the journal is to release the data obtained within the scope of communications sciences to the public objectively and as is, without contradicting the fundamental facts of science. 

5) The journal does not publish materials limiting the freedom of thought, conscience and expression, contradicting human rights, provoking violence, hatred and hostility and offending religious values.

6) The journal does not publish articles which use a humiliating and/or degrading language, epithets and/or ascriptions beyond the limits of criticism regarding the person(s) or institution(s) in result of the scientific work.

7) The scientific, ethic and legal responsibilities of the views and translations in the manuscripts which are published in the journal belong to their respective authors.

8) No royalty fee is paid to the authors of the articles that are published in the journal.

General Rules

Dergide yayımlanan yazı ve makalelerde kullanılacak dil Türkçe ve İngilizcedir. Çalışmayı destekleyen bir kurum varsa, makale içerisinde belirtilmelidir. Gönderilen yazılar kaynakça ve ekler dâhil 12.000 kelimeyi aşmamalıdır. Makaleler APA referans sistemine (APA 6.0) göre düzenlenmelidir. Lütfen metin içinde verilen referansların kaynakçada olmasına özen gösteriniz. Dergimiz için editör kurulunca belirlenen intihal oranı üst sınırı yüzde 15‘dir. İntihal tespit programındaki filtreleme seçenekleri şu şekilde ayarlanır: -Kaynakça hariç (Bibliography excluded) -Alıntılar hariç (Quotes excluded) -5 kelimeden daha az örtüşme içeren metin kısımları hariç (Limit match size to 5 words) -Program menüsünde bulunan diğer filtreleme seçenekleri raporlamaya dâhil edilmez.

APA 6.0 İÇİN LÜTFEN BKZ: https://www.citefast.com/styleguide.php?style=APA&sec=form

Writing Rules

Page Layout 

Margins: up 3,5; down 2,5; left 2,5; right 2 cm with 170 mm X 240 mm over all text space.

Type of Font

Times New Roman font should be used. Turkish “Abstract” English “Abstract” sections should be 11 points, the main text must be 11 points, the references section should be 11 points; The text, Turkish-English abstract and references should be justified in two directions. The text should be written using single line spacing, 1 line space should be left between paragraphs.


The manuscript should be composed of main headings and sub-headings.

Main Title

Times New Roman character, using capital letters, bold and must be in Microsoft Word format in 14-pt format. Author name, abbreviations, author ORCID number and e-mail addresses should be written with two lines of space after the title and the name of the author should be written in 11 pt font size. 


The text should be written in 11-pt font in Times New Roman font style and in a single paragraph in Microsoft Word format. Must not exceed 300 words and should be bold, 11 pt. Keywords should be in italic, bold type and 11 pt. At least three, maximum five key words should be written with the first letter and the other letters with small letters. In abstract (ÖZ), subject of the article, research method and result should be given.

Abstract Title

Abstract title should be written with two lines of space after Turkish keywords. Times New Roman should be in bold, 11 pt, justified, and in single word Microsoft Word format using capital letters. Should not exceed 600 words and abstract should be bold, 11 pt. and all text should be written in Microsoft Word format in Times New Roman style. Keywords in abstract should be in italic, bold type and 11 pt. At least three, maximum five key words should be written with the first letter and the other letters with small letters. In abstract, subject of the article, research method and result should be given.


Section subtitles created according to the content of the article (such as INTRODUCTION, CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK, LITERATURE REVIEW, RESEARCH METHODOLOGY, FINDINGS, CONCLUSION,…) should be written in 11 pt, bold, all in capital letters and without numbering.

Main Text

Subtitles should be written in 11 pt, bold and capital letters and the text should be in 11 pt., Times New Roman style in Microsoft Word format. Articles should be written in a single column, justified, and in a single space between paragraphs. The subtitle of the first section should start with a line space after the keywords and there should be no spaces in the following paragraphs. Article length must not exceed 20 pages with shapes and figures

Tables, Figures, Graphics and Pictures

If the tables, figures, graphics and pictures used in the text are not originally created by the author (s), they can be used in the text by showing “source”. Tables, figures, graphics and pictures should be placed to fit the text and the headings should be written in 11 font size and centered. Tables and graphs used in the text should be listed as Table 1., Table 2. / Chart 1., Chart 2. etc. and so on. Table numbers and titles should be written before the table. Figures, graphics and pictures of the numbers and the headers (figure, graphic and picture) then the bottom of the Figure 1., Figure 2. / Picture 1., Picture 2. etc. should be written as ordered. The first letters of the words used in the tables, figures, graphics and image titles should be initials large and the others are small.


The title should be written in bold, 11 pt, capital letters and text in 11 pt. Times New Roman style in Microsoft Word format.

In-Article Reference Display

Reference within the article should be arranged in accordance with the APA rules.

APA referans kuralları için bakınız: https://www.citefast.com/styleguide.php?style=APA&sec=form

Reference to single authored sources: (Atılgan, 2015: 28) , (Atılgan, 2015: 28-32)

Reference to sources with two authors: (Atılgan & Demir, 2015: 28), (Atılgan & Demir, 2015: 28-32)

When reference is made to sources with five authors for the first time: (Atılgan, Demir, Çelik, Savaş & Yıldırım, 2015: 28)

When reference is made to sources with five authors for a second time or more: (Atılgan vd., 2015: 28)

When references to resources with more than five authors are made for the first time: (Atılgan, Demir, Çelik, Savaş, Yıldırım….Işık, 2015: 28)

Reference to sources with more than five authors for the second time or more times: (Atılgan vd., 2015: 28)

When reference is made from the Internet: (Mills, 2012)


The sources used in the article should be arranged in accordance with APA (latest version) rules.

For APA citation, see: https://www.citefast.com/styleguide.php?style=APA&sec=form

Bibliography title 11 point, bold; References should be written alphabetically, without numbers, as shown below. In addition, the title of the work (referenced source) should be italic.

Single Author Book

Tuncer, D. (1992). Dağıtım Kanalları Sistemi. Ankara: Gazi Publishing.

Two Authors Book

Turgut, M. F. & Y. Baykul. (1992). Ölçekleme Teknikleri. Ankara: ÖSYM Publishing.

Edited Book

Theberge, J. (Ed.). (1968). Economics of Trade and Development. New York: John Wiley.

Translation Book

Morgan, L.H. (2015). Eski Toplum. (Oskay, Ü. Trans.), İstanbul: İnkılap Publishing.

Book Chapter

Ünlüer, A.O. (1988). Boş Zamanı Değerlendirme Açısından Kitle İletişim Araçlarının Ülkemizde Durumu. Demiray, U. (Ed.). Kitle İletişim Araçları ve Boş Zaman (ss.71-113). Eskişehir: Anadolu Üniversitesi Eğitim Teknolojisi ve Yaygın Eğitim Vakfı.

Published Magazine

Engin, B. H. (2016). Markalaşma Kavramı Çerçevesinde Marka Ederi. Öneri Dergisi. 12 (46): 277-294.

Electronic Magazine

Yengin, D. & Algül, A. (2018). Küreselleşme Bağlamında Sanal Gerçeklik Kullanımı. Turkish Online Journal of Design, Art and Communication-TOJDAC. 10 (2): 155-126. doi: 10.7456/10902100.

Published Journal

Kumcu. E. (2006, 11 Aralık). Büyüme yavaşlama sinyali veriyor. Hürriyet Gazetesi. s.9.

Electronic Journal

Mills, S. (2012, 16 Ekim). How Twitter is winning the 2012 US election. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2012/oct/16/twitter-winning-2012-us-election (Erişim tarihi: 10 Temmuz 2018).


Deniz, N. (2006). Mahmut Akok in Art History. Marmara University, Institute of Social Science, Unpublished Doctoral Thesis. İstanbul.

Web Page

Yavuz, E. (2018, 7 November). Zaman ve İnsan Üzerine. Retrieved from https://dusunbil.com/zaman-ve-insan-uzerine. (Access date: 10 July 2018).


Taymaz, E. (2018). Dijital Teknolojiler ve Ekonomik Büyüme Raporu. (TÜSİAD-T/2018,10-600).


Contact information: 

The Journal of Communication Studies

Editorial Coordination

İstanbul Aydın University, Communication Faculty

Beşyol Mahallesi, İnönü Caddesi, Nu: 38 

Sefaköy, Küçükçekmece/İstanbul

Tel: (212) 444 1 428 /

Web: http://icd.aydin.edu.tr

E-mail: [email protected]